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What To Do When Your Home Has a Skunk

Skunks have one of the worst animal reputations out there. Even if you’ve never seen one, you could identify a skunk from a mile away just by its smell. And we’re not exaggerating: A mile is how far the smell of a skunk’s odorous spray can go if facing down wind!

However ominous you may believe them, skunks are actually smart, shy and cute creatures. Regardless, you don’t want a skunk as your backyard neighbor, so our Philadelphia wildlife removal experts have some tips for keeping skunks at bay.

AAA Pest and Wildlife is a Philadelphia wildlife removal company that not only works with skunks, but can humanely remove bats, squirrels, raccoons, moles and more. We’re the guys who can provide you a quick solution to your wildlife nightmare!

Check out these five methods from Philadelphia’s skunk removal experts:

  1. Add Light – Skunks hate light! They’d rather be in darkness. So add some lights to your yard or walkway and they may just pass on by.
  2. Seal Entry Points – Sometimes skunks find a hole in the side of the house or under the porch and take it as a free game. Try sealing up open areas using solid-metal flash wire and quarter inch screening – this is a good way to keep them out.
  3. Trash is a Trap – Make sure your yard is free of skunk attractants like open trash bins, pet food, water bowls or leftover fruits and veggies. This can be a feeding frenzy for skunks and other wildlife, too!
  4. Motion-Activated Sprinklers – This simple trick will frighten off an unwanted skunk. Plus there’s the added bonus of keeping the grass in your yard healthy!
  5. Use Repellant – There are many natural, effective animal repellants out there you can spray in your yard that will drive a skunk away as soon as they smell, taste or touch the area!

Contact The Best Skunk Removers in Philadelphia

Sometimes, these guys are just too difficult to take care of on your own. If this is true for you, don’t worry, just contact the Philadelphia wildlife removers who will be there in a flash. Take a look at our list of services or call us right away at (215) 796-5177.

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